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Agent Directory
Julie Scherck
314-725-5100 / Office
314-276-4612 / Cell
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Julie’s Motto: Tenacity Pays Off!


Graduating from University of Missouri before forging a career in education, Julie has the ideal background necessary to follow her successful mom into the real estate business. Julie is a native of Clayton Missouri who acquired additional teaching experience in Saint Paul Minnesota, before relocating back and raising a family. She is well familiar with the challenges of moving across the country and finding her way around new cities and suburbs!

Julie taught in public and private schools, from preschool through middle school, and she relates to the needs of all types of individuals and families. She is a current volunteer and a continually active member of our community. She strives to integrate her wealth of experience into every encounter by her thoughtful approach, advocacy, and thoroughness.

Julie Scherck is a diligent and intentional listener who will patiently assess your needs and conscientiously pursue every lead. She guarantees she will find the perfect house or sell your perfect house for the best terms and under the best conditions. Julie is a self-starter by nature who has jumped into the business with both feet and makes the process easy and comfortable for all involved.

In her spare time ~although there isn’t much of it in real estate life ~ Julie loves book reading, needlepoint and traveling with her two young adult daughters and her husband Roger.